Friday, April 28, 2023

Interactive learning

Why we must push KKHS E Interactive Learning. 1. Our motive to acquire knowledge is primarily our survival instincts and our ultimate knowledge is the skills for our survival and fulfilment of our desired purposes. We learn to acquire knowledge and skill and inculcate habits by interacting with our environments, inner and outer, to change our neural network structure to form long term memories that can be readily recalled for use. We form long term memories to learn how we interact with our environment. We pay attention and repeat our actions to learn skills needed for our survival and to meet our targets or satisfy our purposes and at the same time inculcate habits that may cause gene mutation to be passed down the generation to be an instinct. Knowledge can be divided into cognitive and behavioural. Knowledge includes the ability to identify objects, processes and phenomena, to understand how they change in form and state to enable us to make good predictions and to use such knowledge to guide our actions to best fulfil our purposes. 2. Skills to be learned include socialisation, problem solving, better living and contribution to humanity, and learning method itself and how to inculcate good habits and not only second hand knowledge from books. What to learn in school can be categorised as a, to learn methods of gaining knowledge and skills b, to learn how to live with others as our peers who cooperate and compete with us and c, to inculcate a life long learning habit. 3. These are the main categories we must teach our future generations in the best way available. Unfortunately we  were spoon fed in our generation and we must not continue this in dealing with our future generations. The disadvantages of spoon fed teaching are it hampers the student from developing their own thinking skills and learning skills and at the same time demotivating students to learn by themselves without a teacher. At the end, students cannot become indepedent  lifelong learners, because they have never been properly taught how to learn by themselves. The most important role of a teacher is to teach students to fish, not to give them the fish. As such, we must shift to interactive learning. 5. In interactive learning, teachers facilitate and learn together with students. Teaching materials may be pre recorded and broadcast and teachers may facilitate students who discuss among themselves to fully assimilate information imparted. As such teachers live with students who are generally one generation away in a closed community to learn living with others having different opinions and experiences of life. 6. We are, in our E Learning Project, providing not only on site interactive learning facilities, we will and must also provide on line interactive learning facilities. This will break down the barrier of space and or time and allow learning to take place at all time and in all places convenient to the students. Not only that, having learned with what are provided, some students will proceed with the facilities to further  learn from other sources available to them. Such students may impart what they have learned to their peers and teachers thus widening the scope of sources of learning methods and  materials. Students and teachers and a wider community will then be living and learning together on line. 7. Each individual is a self or an automaton. An automaton may be a community of individuals at a higher hierarchy. An automaton can learn as an individual does. An individual learn knowledge and skills by inculcating habits and a community learn and act to form a culture or a civilisation. Individuals learn to manage their individual affairs including managing their thoughts in earning a living, personal moral and institutional laws as well as aesthetics in managing emotion. Community learn politics, which requires the management of coordination, cooperation and competition among peers at all levels of social hierarchies to optimise available resources to improve our living conditions more equitably in an environment that is  conducive to us and in sustainable ways for our future generations. 8. AI is knocking at our doors now. ChapGPT etc are examples. We must take advantage of them in our E Learning Program. 9. Both our major feeder schools are providing E Learning facilities. We must now bridge the gap between them and tertiary level education and the job market. We must prepare our students for the Internet of Things that is foreseen to change their  ways of life more drastically them the internet has changed ours. 为什么我们应该积极推动电子互动教学? 1. 学习知识的动力是生存本能而终极的知识是人类生存与美好生活的技能。我们是通过与环境的互动,改组我们的脑细胞网络,形成对应与环境互动的容易回忆的长期记忆,而学会一种技能并养成一种习惯。这种技能有两方面:认知与行为。知识包括认知某种现象,流程或个体,明白它的来龙去脉,并能够预测它的变化,且能熟练的应用这些知识,去尽量达到我们的目标。知识是从我们不断的互动的累积与沉淀而来的。  2. 求知包括学习解决问题,社交,改进生活和贡献社会的技能,学习方法,和培养好习惯而不限于学习书本知识。学校教育应该包括这三大方面a. 学习求知的方法。 b. 学习与人相处时如何管理分工合作与竞争的思维与情绪。 c. 培育终身学习的好习惯 3. 这三方面是我们应该在学校以最有效的方式教育我们的后代的。不幸我们这一代受的主要是填鸭式的教育,我们的缺陷,不应该延续下去。我们应该给我们的下一代我们想要而得不到的,而我们有能力给他们的。 填鸭式教育妨碍独立思维与自习的意愿与能力的培养,以至于不能成为一个终身学习者。老师应该授人与渔,而不是送人予鱼。教学生抓鱼,不是送鱼给学生。因此,我们有必要推动互动教学,教与学并行。 4. 在互动教学的环境里,老师的角色是引领和促进学生的互动学习,并与学生一起学习。教学材料可以由别人准备好,然后广播予学生与老师在课室里一起研讨,这样学生更易吸收互动中的所学。 老师与学生两代人生活在一起,学习怎样处理对方的不同经验与意见,本身就是一个要学会的经验。 5. 我们的电子教学项目,不单提供科室的教学设备,我们同时提供线上教学的设备。这可以让学生在方便适当的地方和时候学习。也提供了一些比较前沿的学生,寻找更多学习材料的机会,并与其他同学分享。这样,学生,老师和一个更广大的社群,可以在线上一起生活与学习。 6. 每一个人,都是一个自我(self),一个自动个体( automaton),一个自动个体可以是一个细胞,一个个人,一个家庭,一个社团,国家,或整个人类。每一个自动个体都可以像个人那样,在与他的内外环境互动而求知。一个个人学习管理他的个人的思维与情绪,养成习惯,作为技能来维持生命或活得更有价值。同样,一个社团,整个人类,也可以学习求得人类生存与生活的技能,形成文化与文明。人类,社团,需要学习如何管理个人间和团体间的分工合作与竞争,不断优化各阶层的义务与权益分配, 并兼顾不同时代的人类的生存与生活权利,有意识的关注可持续发展,以确保人类有前途。 7. 人工智能已在敲我们的门了。ChapGPT是个例子。我们必须关注它,和它的同类,把它们纳入我们的电子教学项目里。 8. 我们的主要feeder schools 都在提供电子教学。我们不能落后,我们必须作为连接他们与大专教育与职场需求的桥梁。我们必须培养我们的学生,准备他们迎接物联网时代的到来,因为它会导致翻天覆地的生活方式的变化,要求互动的新良方,新技能,尤其是人工技能。 邱陶正 2023年4月