Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Dolphins speak

On 19/12/2007, news has it that Australian scientist Dr Liz Hawkins and her team has unraveled the meaning of squeaks and whistles that make up dolphin speech. They observed bottlenose dolphins for three years and from the starting frequency of the sound, its duration and its end frequency, she identified 186 different whistle types, of which 20 were particularly common, that dolphins make to communicate in a complex and contextual manner.

The scientists have recorded 1,647 different whistles. These were grouped into 5 tonal classes which are related to certain behaviors. In a sense, that makes these sounds a language.

To think of only human beings are capable of having language is, to me, beyond the intension of anthropocentricity and over limiting the definition of language. After all, the Oxford English Dictionary does allow for the inarticulate sounds used by the lower animals, birds, etc as part of the definition of language. In the same dictionary, the generalized definition of language is "words and the methods of combining them for the expression of thought”. Based on this definition, as long as we accept that some animals have thoughts and words can be any definite audio or visual or other tangible symbols of any kind, then it is plausible to think of dolphins having a language as long as they can use it to communicate their thoughts. Dr Hawkins has just discovered that and I won’t blame her for claiming she has unraveled dolphin speech.

I tend to entertain the belief that many common animals we encounter like dogs, cats and birds have their language. Even bees and ants too have their language of sort. They communicate among themselves though we do not understand them. I would venture to say that if we pay enough attention to them, we can understand their language. Dr Hawkins has just done that with the dolphins.

What Dr Hawkins did with dolphins others can do with dogs or birds and learn a dog’s language or birds’ language. I would venture to say that someone somewhere might have already done that.

Can the same principle be applied beyond animals or living things? Science presupposes definite patterns that make prediction possible. If we care to observe, to attend, to meditate, we see patterns everywhere. Every pattern is, in a sense, a language. Attending to or meditating on these patterns enables us to learn that language. Learning a part of that language enables us to better observe the patterns and by iteration, we can learn more of that language. We, in short, thereby gain knowledge and know the world better.

In 1993, my Master has performed something extra ordinary in our presence by blindfolding himself and told what was written by a subject. When asked, he told us it was from the pattern of the subject’s breath that he could tell what was in the subject’s mind. In this case, though blindfolded, he was able to perceive someone’s breath in great details to decipher the breath patterns and deduce his thoughts which I presume have influenced the subject’s breath patterns. Isn’t the subject’s breath patterns a language to be learned?

Our problem is we do not attend sufficiently. We are careless. We take things for granted. We are distracted. We look but we do not see. We hear but we do not listen. We let knowledge slip by our senses or mind.

By Hiew Jan 2008

Friday, January 25, 2008


是的,是树灵,并非树林;不是手民误植,也不是「太婆」(Typo)或「打错字」。人类在他们的公元二十、二十一世纪之交,也没有手民误植这事。出版事业都用电脑打字了。然而,在二十一世纪初年,灵已是一种过时的语汇。人类在物理学上,已找到了一条可以兼融“相对论”和“量子物理学”并解释所有人类所已知的物理现象的定律。这条定律叫做弦论。是五弦琴的弦。物质分析到最后不是一个质点而是弦,会振动的弦,而弦又不单是如二胡的一维的线,它是可以多维的。而灵,一个不很合时宜的名词,可以说是一组组很复杂的振动,构成一种信息。信息可以被破释为人类的语言,语言是一类信息,一种信息可以翻译为另一种信息,而使人类能与非人类沟通。以前叫做灵,现在还没有一个比较恰当的被广大接受的名字,只好就沿用旧名-灵 - 了。


有三棵树,生命长短不一,遭遇不同,死后信息仍留下来, 记载它们的一生经历。这一组组信息,飘浮于宇宙间,偶尔相遇,对起话来。其实,这是古老的说法。现代的说法是,这三股信息,在某种或然率下,展现了各自的一部分于三者的相互交接下,而这展现,被第四者观察到,破译为人类语言如下。

盆栽灵说,“我本来就长得小个子,在众树中早已是很自卑的了,想不到给人选中了,栽在盆里。起初觉得很好,不再给劲风吹,烈日晒,水分充足,食物丰富,心里很高兴, 庆幸自己运气好,有人来照顾。后来有些枝桠过分发展了,也有人加以修理,不致累赘。正高兴时,那人却用铁丝缠在我的一些枝上,并加以扭卷,痛得我叫天不应,叫地不灵。经太阳一晒,铁丝热得发烫,比以前曝晒在猛烈的正午阳光下还要热得多,把我炙得半死。那人几乎天天来看我,时不时扭我,剪我,给水我喝,给食物我吃。我骂他,求他,咒他....他只是很满意得对着我笑。还带朋友来看我。他的朋友称赞我,他更高兴。高兴了就更加剪我,扭我,餵我,向我笑,称赞我....而我呢?我痛,我苦,我恨,我失去生命的欲望,我失去自由发展的希望。我的意志大都被压制,神在我身上所发挥的力量也给人腰斩了,扭曲了,蔑视了。

林树灵说,我很少见过人,人对我却影响巨大。我长在所谓热带原始森林中。我一出生,就感到一片阴凉,很舒服。地上潮涩,一片厚厚的听说叫做腐植质的很滋养的东西遍布我左右,后来我才知道那是我们的尸体再循环的产物,也是我们的食物的一个环节。另一种人类叫做水的东西,也无时或缺,吸起来,满有意思。它充满了我的身体,像一股清流,然后它改变 状态了,化为气体,从我的叶表飞升,令我叶凉快愉悦。后来我还知道,土地上的食物,是它为我带送的。但是,我还须要一种很奇怪的东西。它有光,有热。光令树欢乐,热却不同。太少了,树难受;太多了,树又有另一种难受。但要恰到好处,却不易得到。在森林,这种人类叫做阳光的食物,是难得的,对年轻和矮小的树更难得。我年轻时,身旁有三棵几百年的老树,它们比我高大得多,它们几乎抢完了阳光这种食物,令我营养不良,只有少许从它们的枝叶间漏射过来,为我所摄取。这有限的阳光,使我年幼、年少时都生长得不茁壮。后来其中一棵老树死了,我才得到更多的阳光养料。那时我很希望另外两棵树也快快死掉。但,有时有福必有祸。这大树死后不久,它的一段枯枝,比我大好几倍,却摔在我身上,把我压成驼子。从地上算起,我一半的身躯被压得弯到地面。那种痛苦,大概不亚于被铁丝扭卷吧?痛归痛,树在林中,还得活下去,也早就学会了在恶劣的环境中自保,自求发展。我倒下的上半身,正处在枯树的位置,阳光养料非常充足,我好好利用机会,在几年内,大大吸收了阳光,快快地生高长壮,虽然驼背,却俨然一棵中树了。那两棵大树之外,我就是在我能感到的范围内的老三了。而我的老三地位,也在五六年后,提升为老大了。那是因为人类大批地,像风卷地似地,侵入了我们的地盘,把所有的大树都杀了,连那应该是我们以后的食物的树尸也搬走了。于是我称起老大来。霸占了邻近的阳光,长得更快了。

由于年幼时阳光不足,我为了抢阳光而拼命往上伸,把身体拉得长长的。结果,我当了老大后,便是这区的高佬了。有一次,在雷雨交加的夜里,一道强光掠过我的头上,一阵巨热,把我烧死了。我死后灵魂不散,久久逗留原处,还看见人类把我的树尸搬走。由于我的执着,我跟着树尸,一直看到它被锯,被刨, 被压。后来变成一片片被涂上胶水的东西,乘船到寒带去了。人类真是不可思议!




隽野 2003 年7 月初稿, 2008年1月修订

Monday, January 21, 2008

One meal to good/bad health!

If you try to emulate me on your diet and you think you will be benefited even if you occasionally indulge in “good, delicious food”, you must read what I read after I have posted “My Diet”. You will be delighted and benefited from reading it.

‘Just one high-fat, high-sugar meal can trigger a biochemical cascade, causing inflammation of blood vessels and immediate, detrimental changes to the nervous system, according to the paper, published in the 7th week of 2008 in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. And just one healthy meal helps return your body to its optimal state. "Your health and vigor, at a very basic level, are as good as your last meal," says lead author James O'Keefe, head of preventive cardiology at the Mid America Heart Institute in Kansas City, Mo.

Here's how it works. When you eat, your body breaks down the food into a stream of nutrients, including glucose (sugar), lipids (fats), and amino acids (the building blocks of protein). If your meal happens to be junk food the rush of sugar causes something called "post-prandial hyperglycemia": a big spike in blood-sugar levels. Poor diet in the long-term leads to hypertension and build-up of gunk in blood vessels that increases heart-attack risk. But there are short-term effects too. Tissue becomes inflamed, just as it does when infected. Blood vessels constrict. Free radicals, unstable molecules that cause cell damage and are thought to contribute to chronic disease and aging, are generated. The body's stress response has a bigger effect on blood pressure, raising it higher than normal. People may notice they feel crummy a few hours after eating junk food. And the sudden surge and drop in insulin — the hormone that spurs your body to store energy — also leaves them feeling hungry again soon after eating, despite having had plenty of calories.

The good news is that these blood-sugar spikes and crashes are easy to regulate. Blood sugar will rise and fall quickly if, for example, a person eats an easily digested meal of only white bread. The common denominator of all these slow-release foods, says O'Keefe, is a generally high nutritive value with low calories. The healthy foods are exactly the ones you would expect, all that stuff your mom (and your doctor) told you to eat: lots of fresh vegetables and fruits, lean proteins like fish and legumes, and high-fiber whole grains. All of them blunt the post-prandial spike..

"You can improve your health, basically, from hour to hour," he says.’

I keep on saying that we are limited by our personal knowledge and our personally knowledge is in turn limited by human knowledge of our time. The above piece of human knowledge is new and is not yet widely possessed and its validity is not widely tested. I quote it in my blog as an attempt to propagate it so that, in time, it will be more widely known and tested.

If this research result is not falsified in time, then, what we eat does more than just directly affecting our physical conditions by being part of our physical constituent; it affects us also by stimulating our nervous response to generate biochemicals from our body which affect our physical conditions. What we eat that is not excreted is absorbed and/or stored; what is absorbed will be part of us physically. Now this research is telling us in addition, what we eat stimulate us to generate biochemicals from our body that will have tremendous effect on our body, at least in the short term.

I can’t help asking the next question: how does our volition come into play in such a case since our volition may override our response to physical stimulation in some cases? If our volition does play a role here, then, for the some person when he takes the same food at different times in a different state of mind, or with different attitude towards the food he eats, the effect of the food on his body will be different since different nervous responses will be effected to generate different biochemicals. I tend to believe in this speculation and do advise that you have good mental attitudes towards your food every time you eat. Be grateful to the providers and enjoy your food, and get more benefits out of it, why not?

Further more, even if when we are not eating, that is to say, when there is no physical stimulation, can our volition trigger nervous responses that generate biochemicals in our body? Again, I tend to think it can. One way to do this is by visualization. Do you want to try it? If so, do be “positive”! "Negative" thoughts may be harmful.

By Hiew Jan 2008

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My diet

I am now taking a simple diet which I think is healthy though I am limited by my dietary knowledge which is in turn limited by human knowledge of our time.

Being born into a poor farmer’s family at the end of the Second World War(1944), we, for years, barely have enough to eat for survival. We normally ate three simple, small meals a day of similar food: white rice, vegetables of various types grown in the farm, fish bought from neighboring fishermen, eggs from chicken reared by my mom. Pork and chicken were only available on festive days when these were first offered to deities and ancestors that my family used to worship.

My parents held fast to their belief that rice is the only main food that we need for survival; other foods are appetizers or supplementary or condiments to go with rice and fruits are kids’ junk food that are harmful. We grew up till adolescence based on this dietary philosophy. In those days, instead of plain water, we drank plenty of a brand of green tea called White Monkey(白毛猴) which is still available in the market. At times of coconut harvesting, as we have to work laboriously the whole day, we also have morning and afternoon tea which normally consisted of coffee, biscuit or boiled banana, to give us enough energy. The water we used was either well water or harvested rain water from the roof. The cooking oil was home made coconut oil. This is a counter example to common belief that poly-saturated oil is harmful as my cholesterol and triglyceride have been low despite more than 15 years consuming coconut cooking oil.

I stayed in hostels from Senior Middle one to Upper six. In Senior Middle school I ate bread with jam and tea with milk for breakfast and similar lunch and dinner as before. In the two years in Form Six, I have similar breakfast as in Senior Middle School and an improved lunch and dinner which were prepared more in line with the food pyramid of the 1960s. In my 4 years studying in an Australian University, I have bread with butter or jam, or fruits only for breakfast, Australian dishes for lunch in the cafeteria, and I cooked my own dinner mainly consisting of vegetables and beef or mutton or pork or chicken and sometimes fish. Up till then, I knew little about food pyramid or dietary values. From the age of 15 to 25, my body weight remained more or less constant at 57 Kg, despite the Sydney winters and some fatty Australian diets and that fact that I ate as much every meal as my contemporaries during this phase of my life.

From the early 1970s, I have my own family and diets of our choice. But our dietary knowledge did not go beyond the popular food pyramid posters on the walls of private clinics in town. In the early 1980s, we started to read Western dietary books and started to pay more attention to our diets as we started to put on weight and feel fatigue due to age and workload. But there were not without controversies in these dietary books. Shall we eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen and dinner like a pauper? Or shall we skip breakfast, eat light lunch and heavy dinner? Shall we emphasize on carbohydrate or protein? These were unsettled questions that bothered us.

In 1992, I started to take up Yoga and follow somewhat faithfully a “Yoga diet for office worker”, a term I coined for my diet since 1992. This diet consists of fruit for breakfast, carbohydrate and vegetables for lunch and protein and vegetables for dinner; no supper, no snack, no coffee, no red tea and no refined sugar. When I first started this diet, within a month, I loss some 5 Kg extra weight that I didn’t need and I felt my health has improved. I more or less maintain this diet most of the time till date. I do take snacks and tea with milk at times in coffee shops though but not really very often. My weight is now 70 Kg with a height of 178 cm to match.

I mainly eat vitamin A and C-rich papaya for breakfast. Other fruits include pineapple, banana, guava, star fruit, pomelo, local orange, apple, dried prune, imported orange, mandarin, jackfruit, Kiwifruit, dragon fruit, grapes, avocado, water melon. I eat fruit breakfast generously. Sometimes I do take bread mostly whole meal bread, dim sum, oatmeal for breakfast. I hardly use butter or margarine to spread on bread. Yoghurt is a recent addition.

For lunch, I eat rice, now mostly unpolished local rice or rice noodle soup. Vegetables are either raw or cooked, mainly green leafy vegetable like kale, broccoli or spinach, tomato, cucumber, beet root, carrot, radish, cabbage, long bean, capsicum, pumpkin, bean sprout, garlic, onion, yam, egg-plant, lady’s fingers, Chinese cabbage, bitter gourd , sea weed, lotus root et cetera. Vegetables are steamed or stir fried or boiled in soup. Cooking oils are vegetables oils and are used sparingly. Very little salt is added to my food which is strictly free of MSG (Monosodium glutamate). Meat is consumed for lunch sometimes, but in small quantity.

For dinner, I eat fish, prawn, poultry, egg and pork meat or liver with vegetables. I seldom take beef or lamb or duck. Mostly the meat is steamed or braised; seldom do we fry or grill meat. I eat no rice or very little rice for dinner.

I also take soup that contains both meat and vegetable, and sometimes herds too during lunch and dinner. The other item I take is nut, such as almond, walnut and some seeds, mostly for breakfast. For each meal taken at home, we have soup and two other dishes, normally one vegetable and one meat dish. The meat dish may be meat fried with vegetable. No dessert is taken after lunch or dinner at home, whether it is fruit, sweet, cake, sweetened tea or coffee. The quantity of each of my main meal is small compared to what most of my friends are taking. Processed food such as canned, pickled, dried and preserved food is avoided almost totally.

I drink plain unboiled water mostly, green tea daily and sometimes a few pegs of red wine after dinner. Now I seldom drink Coke or other similar sugared drinks except iso-tonic drinks like 100plus occasionally.

The list is by no means exhaustive but it covers the main items I usually take. I try to eat what my body needs and avoid what is harmful to it. Based on my dietary knowledge, I eat more anti-oxidant food, low caloric food, wholesome, nutritious food with plenty of fibers to help cleansing and I eat about ¾ full each meal.

By Hiew Jan 2008

Saturday, January 12, 2008


Irving Copi 于 1961 年二版的“逻辑入门”( Introduction to Logic)第二章,概说了语言之功用. 译者觉得此文今日读来,还很精彩、适用, 对一般读者在日常生活的沟通上,很有益处,所以决定把它节译出来,以期读者消化后,可以应用它来减少因沟通失误而产生的许多误会。译者相信,人与人之间的许多困难与问题,都源于沟通失误。若此失误减少了,这种困难与问题,也就跟着减少了。译者




更近期的一些哲学家更详细地论说了语言的许多不同用途。在“哲学研究” ( Philosophical Investigations)中,维根斯坦坚持:语言、符号、文字和句子,有无数种不同的用法。维根斯坦提出了以下的例子:发号施令,形容物相或提供它的尺寸,报告事件,推度,造作和检验命题,以图表提呈实验报告,虚拟故事,做戏,唱几段歌,猜谜,说笑话,解答数学难题,翻译,询问,致谢,诅咒,招呼,祈祷。




(O my Luve’s like a red, red rose
That’s newly sprung in June;
O my Luve’s like the melodie
That’s sweetly play’d in tune!)










Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Allocation from Minister of Education

Two years ago, Datuk Henry Chin, the Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of Kota Kinabalu High School, took Mr. Lim Kiat Kong, the Chairman and me, the other Vice Chairman, to pay a courtesy call to the Honorable Minister of Education Dato' Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein, in his office at Putrajaya. It was indeed rare for a Minister of Education to see representatives from a school Board of Governors of a secondary school and we were indeed honored. We took the rare opportunity to brief the Honorable Minister about the school history and development and invited him to officiate the opening of the IT Building then under construction and requested him to assist the school in its Computer Class Program. The Honorable Minister has kindly consented to our request and promised to bring some goodies when he comes.

On the 21st July 2007, the Minister came to visit KK High School to officiate the Opening of the IT Building as well as the laying of foundation stone for the Phase 4 Classroom blocks. He was impressed with what KK High School has done so far and announced to the pleasure of everyone present an allocation of RM 50,000 for the Computer Class Program and RM 350,000 for the Phase 4 Building fund. In addition, he promised to recommend the application of KK High School to be selected as a Cluster school and invited the dancing group who presented the multi-cultural reception dance to go to Kuala Lumpur to present it to international guests.

On the 2nd of January 2008, the Right Honorable Chief Minister of Sabah, Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman presented, on behalf of the Honorable Minister of Education, a mock cheque of RM400,000 to Mr.Lim Kiat Kong, the Chairman of the Board of Governors of KK High School. The ceremony was witnessed by the State Director of Education Department, senior Chinese political leaders in BN, members of the KK High School Management Committee, BOG and Administration.

By Hiew Jan 2008