Friday, November 23, 2007

Jiu Zhai Gou

Jiu(nine) Zhai(villages) Gou(valleys)(1, 1a), an eco-tourism belt in SiChuan, China, is famous for its water scenery. It is agreed by many a tourist that 黄山归来不看山,九寨归来不看水.Translated literally, it means “No more mountain views after seeing Huang Shan; no more water scenery after viewing Jiu Zhai Gou.” That’s how cool Jiu Zhai Gou is.

We visited Jiu Zhai Gou in 2004, according to our tour guide, “ in the awkward season” of late Spring. Snow had partially melted and water was at its low level, trees were just sprouting and twits were still bare and there were no colorful leaves to admire. But still, the views were awesome and unforgettable as you will witness from my photo album(2).

The most quoted summarized description of Jiu Zhai Gou is “水在树间流,树在水中长,花树开在水中央", meaning water flows amid trees, trees grow out of water and trees blossom in the middle of the water. Isn't it picturesque?

Another less quoted but very apt description of Jiu Zhai Gou is “碧水苍山雪峰奇,翠海彩林叠瀑飞,水光山色相辉映,九寨风光世间稀” “Wonderful are the green water and blue mountains and snowy peaks; green lakes and colorful forests are superimposed with fall water splashing; hills are reflected in the water with special sight effect; such are views of Jiu Zhai Gou rare indeed"
Seasoned travelers advised that the best time to visit Jiu Zhai Gou is around October the 10th, when multi-colored leaves are about to shed and water, the essence of Jiu Zhai Gou, is plentiful.

By Hiew

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